Maniac Landscapes/Eyes at the Specter Glass – Matthew Wade (Boise, ID, USA)
“Maniac Landscapes” came from a series of dreams where I could hear crying, always distant, always from a person I was unable to see, but always feeling close. And though I was only a ghostly observer in these dreams, I was able to see the impact of this extreme sorrow on things in an old house. Flowers would move as if they were trying to respond to the sounds. The light outside would shift. Things felt so affected by energy. though much of the film was developed outside of the dream, I tried to support a kind of dream logic in its final presentation: light moves in impossible ways, inanimate objects take on movement and purpose, and answers are not as important as experiences and the atmosphere they unfold in.
“Specter Glass” refers to our perception of reality and how we catalog life events through memory, bias, and time. The lens of our eyes and the ghosts at this lens are trying to interpret the journey. The film imagines the memories of a collective of consciousness filtered through a single explorer whose entire bias is its own billion-year journey through the cosmos.
Matthew Wade is an award-winning classical animator, filmmaker, and musician living and working in the Northwest, USA. After graduating from Vancouver Film School’s Traditional Animation program in 2010, Matthew moved to Los Angeles, cutting his “industry teeth” as a freelance commercial animator. He has worked on ad campaigns for Target, Vans, Warner Brothers Records, the NFL, SCAD, SyFy Channel, Foot Locker, and more.
Disrupted Landscape #4/Disrupted Landscape #6 – Yossi Galanti (Jerusalem)
One of the projects that the founders of Israel prioritized was to create a wall of green (by planting imported trees) that would surround the Jewish settlements. The aim of that project was to separate and differentiate the new population from the world around it. In the work, Disruptive Landscape #4 (submitted herewith), I chose as a base for this work a location with a relatively old planted forest, that has become the new local nature, nearby Jerusalem. In it, appear and disappear shots of moving clouds and water that stand for the immigrations along the years to this land.
Spiritual video montage. The filmed sites are located in various areas around Israel. Their visibility and significance revolve around nature and history, and are either man-preserved, man-made or even man- designed. In some cases, they are depicted free of human activity in order to use them as primary “canvases” on which to build the montage. Locations: 1. Ramon Crater, Negev Desert. Three (kings) jets. 2. Sea of Galilee. Walking on the water 3. Tel Aviv skyline