Simon Tarr



The Long Way Down
(8m45s loop/silent/BW/single-channel)
A ghostly image of woman climbs endlessly to—somewhere. The loop evolves mathematically as more and more of her ascends and ascends.

Stop. Wait. Wait. Observe. Absorb. Partake. This is the simple, but attention-demanding process that underlies my practice. I explore video as a way of expanding space through time, transforming movement into choreography and gesture into narrative. Through the use of large-scale projections I examine the territories of absorption and desire as forces to transcend what is in front of us, incorporating looking as my main tool and vehicle to achieve intimacy with the portrayed subject. Through sustained and detailed close-ups, what would have normally been overlooked becomes visible, unlocking a fleeting moment into a vast space of micro narratives. Within this new immersive environment, everyday experience is reduced to a minimum, serving to highlight the moment when human becomes animal and natural elements a breathing being.