March Artists (Tara Youngborg, Scott Turri)


Tara Youngborg (Virginia, USA)

I have been thinking about the way my brain operates.  Every time we access a memory, our brains overwrite the memory while recalling it. My experiences become the lens through which I see my memories, layering them with time and new memory, but also erasing and modifying that original experience.  When you save a JPEG image, the file becomes recompressed as it tries to find places where it can combine colors to save space. My memories are not so different from these JPEGs, changing over time.

Tara Youngborg is a new media artist working and living in Virginia. She is interested in utilizing the Internet as a space where personal stories can become collaborative, and ways to use code to create interactive and accessible artworks. She is also interested in exploring how identity and memory is formed, performed, and recalled on the Internet. Youngborg has shown her websites, videos, and gifs in publications and exhibitions in from coast to coast in the United States, as well as in Australia, and always online.

Polymer – Scott Turri (Pittsburgh,PA, USA)

By building a variety of animated parts I then work at combining, looping and overlaying these lyrical components by sequencing these passages into a hypnotic rhythm with the intent of mimicking the ebb and flow of nature. The parts have a certain consistency but are modularized and repackaged in a variety of iterations. These transformations provide a formal and conceptual link from one passage to another blurring the boundary between nature and what is human made. By combining this digitally manipulated landscape imagery with pill shaped screen-like passages, scope references, brick walls, and animation sequences my goal is to have the work grounded in place. The experience for the audience is meant to be much more ephemeral and link to the nature of memory and how we construct meaning and identity from our personal and cultural history and how it gets embedded through the natural and built environment.

Hailing from suburban Philadelphia, where he spent his formative years, Turri now calls Pittsburgh home and has become enmeshed in the regional art community. He has had a range of artistic experiences: from punk rock to a performance art band, writing for New Art Examiner, BOMB and Afterimage magazines, work in video, to currently concentrating primarily on painting and animation. Along with these pursuits, Turri is also an educator and holds a full-time lecturer position at the University of Pittsburgh.